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Health & Wellbeing

The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy statement is supported and endorsed by the Real Estate Management (UK) Limited’s ("REM") Board, Executive Team and Heads of Department. We recognise our obligations and statutory responsibilities under health and safety legislation for ensuring, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and wellbeing at work of our employees, and those contractors, occupiers, visitors and others who may be affected by our activities.

This Policy statement has been prepared to describe REM’s commitment to complying with its health, safety and wellbeing obligations and ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of all persons working for, or on behalf of, Real Estate Management (UK) Ltd, whilst ensuring the fulfilment of its moral and legal duties.

All employees, contractors, specialist sub-contractors, occupiers and visitors have a legal responsibility for their own (and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions) health, safety, and wellbeing. They are required to: cooperate with REM’s health and safety policy and requirements; adhere to arrangements in place through risk assessments and safe systems of work; inform REM of any work situation which they consider represents a serious danger to health and safety and they must not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse, anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

REM will: -

  • Set Health and Safety objectives to be reviewed periodically, within the management system framework.
  • Develop Health and Safety policies and procedures which are reviewed when circumstances change and/or the law changes, and are periodically audited;
  • Assess Foreseeable risks to the health and safety of employees and others to which they are exposed whilst at, or arising from, work; and to record that assessment in writing, identifying measures needed for effective control of any risks that cannot reasonably be eliminated; 
  • Ensure Safe systems of work are provided and maintained, where identified by risk assessment;
  • Ensure Adequate Health and Safety resources are in place, including competent persons, responsible persons and other duty-holding roles, to ensure that proper provision can be made for the management of health, safety and wellbeing;
  • Ensure that all employees receive information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure their safety and health at work, and the safety and health of others who may be affected by our business activities;
  • Afford Mental health the same level of care as physical health, by encouraging the positive mental health and wellbeing of employees through awareness, training and initiatives;
  • Ensure that all plant, machinery and other work equipment is suitable for the purpose for which it is used or provided, maintained in an efficient state, good repair and working order, and that any foreseeable risks arising from its use are assessed and controlled; 
  • Ensure that any Place of Work under REM's control (and means of access and egress from such places) are, so far as is reasonably practicable, maintained in a safe condition without foreseeable risk to health and safety. In addition, that adequate, safe welfare facilities and arrangements are provided for all employees and others.
  • Any work-related incidents, accidents, ill-health, and health and safety performance will be proactively managed and regularly reviewed.
  • Ensure that effective procedures and arrangements for consultation, communication and participation are in place between all employees, contractors, and others. 

Detailed reference information is available to all employees in the REM Health and Safety Manual, located on the REM intranet, and via electronic copy (upon request) for all contractors, occupiers, and visitors.

REM will ensure that this Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy Statement is reviewed periodically, and updated when there is a significant business or legislation update.

Michael Baker, Chief Executive Officer

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